- 508-248-9100
- 978-369-6019
- 508-845-6111
Shrubs require regular maintenance to look good. When neglected, shrubs can become overgrown, develop disease or insect problems, and look scraggly. Flowering shrubs may fail to flower, or may flower so high up that you cannot appreciate their beauty. Over time, this will diminish your home’s curb appeal and can even change the sun-shade balance in your yard so that other plants fail to thrive.
Many property managers, home owners, and retail or commercial tenants find it time-consuming to perform shrubs maintenance, or may not even know where to begin! BR Tree Service provides customers with our certified arborists who have extensive experience in tree and shrub maintenance and pruning, as well as in recognizing and treating problems while minimizing maintenance. Our arborists have more than 10 years of experience in shrub pruning, maintenance, and health care and can discuss anything related to shrub care and maintenance with you.
BR Tree Service provides comprehensive shrub care and maintenance throughout Central Massachusetts. Whether you need one-time corrective pruning and care, or want routine shrub maintenance so you do not have to spend time on landscaping services, we can help you. Contact us to receive a free quote for shrub management or to learn about our comprehensive approach to plant health or request diagnostic services for your garden.